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The Best Universal Remote Control App for LG electronic devices.
Using a single remote control device to control all your electronic equipment is no doubt a good experience . As mobile phone has become a major gadget that people always carry with them, so having an application installed on your mobile device that works as a remote control will make your life easier. This free, powerful and efficient LG remote control app developed by CodeMatics Inc. for LG devices will make your life easy.
The following LG TV and devices along with a brief detail about remote control functions are available in this app:
Universal Remote for LG Smart TV:
All LG smart TVs are now easy to control using Codematics LG TV remote app. It is the simplest and most efficient smart TV remote app currently available in the App Store. The only requirement is that user’s mobile device as well as the LG smart TV must be connected to the same WiFi network for the app to discover the TV and connect with it. Once connected with the TV, the following LG smart TV functionalities can be controlled through this remote app:
LG Smart TV functionalities:
Power Off Control.
Mute / Volume Control.
Apps installed on your TV.
Channel Up / Down.
Play / Stop / Reverse / Fast Forward.
Up / Down / Left / Right Navigation.
So, Get rid of the annoying regular temper problems caused by
-Being LAZY sitting on a sofa, and remote control out of reach,
-Losing your remote,
-Batteries worn out,
-Biting and /or boiling your batteries in water, hoping it would result in magically recharging them, and many other similar problems we face daily.
The Best Features:
No setup required. Just select your LG Device and start using it.
-Both the smart-TV device and user’s mobile device must be connected to the same network.
-This is an unofficial TV remote application for these LG electronic devices.
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